MDI Women's Orphanage & Destitute Home

MDI Women's Orphanage & Destitute Home

MDI Women's Orphanage & Destitute Home

MDI Women's Orphanage & Destitute Home

MDI Women's Orphanage & Destitute Home

Presently, MDI Destitute Home provides comfort to 58 girls and women those who are destitute and have been abandoned or exploited by society, community, family, relatives etc, where they are given all the basic necessities along with eliminating their miseries and bringing them up as best law abiding and god fearing citizen in the society. Besides basic necessities, MDI also takes care of their holistic growth by providing good education and healthcare facilities. It aims at securing a better life for the children and helping them to become self reliant through its work on education, vocational education, health and rehabilitation. MDI has also made sure that the children are provided with computer training, tailoring, basket weaving. art craft etc. The MDI also takes responsibility of getting the girls married off. It is our dream to have an ourown building and now it is under construction but the lack of sufficient funds is problem to us for we can't fulfill it yet. MDI works entirely independent and does not depend on any other external financial support. But if there are donors who wish to offer their support in the form of money or serve the children with a day meal, they whole heartedly accept it. We would appreciate it if our donors would provide us with material and supply needed for the completion of destitute home building rather than money.

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